Sunday 12 December 2010

Student Protests

Bit like marmite. Some love it, some hate it. But marmite haters lie, they don't mind it that much....
I realise I have mainly been using my blog to show examples of my work as a form of reflection. From now on I intend to use it to look at other peoples work as a way of developing and influencing my own. Honestly, I am quite slack at recording research. I love looking into it and my memory has a tendency to remember visual things which have caught my eye, this way I feel it naturally edits the jumbles of information in my head as I only remember key items which meant a lot to me or had a positive or negative impact... rather than just looking at numerous artists and designers who do not particulary stick in my head for the right reasons! To many this seems lazy, to me it seems to work. However, I will try, who knows, change is good too after all.

Monday 6 December 2010


Since being at Chelsea I have not really had the chance to paint in many projects, mainly due to the quick succession and speed projects develop, however I realise tutors or students do not know me as well as past teachers and other people have done, thus do not realise painting in another passion of mine. 

Here is a brief independant series called Hale. Using acryics applied with firm square cuts of cardboard and neater brushstrokes over the top whilst dry is a technique I am aiming to developing further. I have also experimented with this in Oils and will be sure to put some of those results up soon! I may also add a 5th image to this series, I've never really liked the number 4..

Secret Signs or Sign Language?

Ill keep this brief. Sign language is not a secret sign to those who know it. However to those who don't, it is a complete other language. By drawing out individual phrases, letters or words onto acetate, layering them to conceal the message further, I like to think I have created a number of secret signs. Its not often you recieve a letter in corrupted sign language in the post now is it?